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pdf Procese Verbale Selectie Dosare Burse de merit Semestrul II an scolar 2019 2020 Popular

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Procese-Verbale Selectie Dosare Burse de merit Semestrul II an scolar 2019-2020.PDF

pdf Hotarare Comitetul pt Situatii de Urgenta Vaslui Popular

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Hotarare Comitetul pt Situatii de Urgenta Vaslui.pdf

pdf Procese verbale selectie dosare Burse de merit Sem I an scolar 2019 2020 Popular

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procese-verbale selectie dosare Burse de merit Sem.I an scolar 2019-2020.PDF

pdf Amenajament pastoral Berezeni anul 2020 Popular

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Amenajament pastoral Berezeni -n-2020.pdf

pdf PROCES VERBAL DE AFISARE Regulamentului de instituire taxe de salubritate Popular

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PROCES VERBAL DE AFISARE Regulamentului de instituire taxe de salubritate.jpg

pdf Anunt public participare licitatie concesiune bunuri Popular

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Anunt public participare licitatie concesiune bunuri.pdf

pdf Regulament de instituire si administrare a taxei speciale de salubritate pe raza comunei Berezeni Popular

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Regulament de instituire si administrare a taxei speciale de salubritate pe raza comunei Berezeni.pdf

pdf Bibliografie referent Popular

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bibliografie referent.pdf

pdf Anunt referent Popular

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anunt referent.pdf

pdf Concurs muncitor calificat electromecanic Popular

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Concurs muncitor calificat electromecanic.pdf

pdf Concurs laborant operator tratarea apei Popular

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Concurs laborant operator tratarea apei.pdf


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pdf Anunt concurs promovare in grad profesional Popular

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anunt concurs promovare in grad profesional .pdf

Image Rezultat final examen concurs inspector Popular

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Rezultat final examen concurs inspector.jpg

Image Anunt elaborare PUZ centrala eoliana Stuhulet Popular

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Anunt elaborare PUZ centrala eoliana Stuhulet.jpg

Image Bibliografie concurs inspector Popular

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Bibliografie concurs inspector .jpg

Image Anunt concurs inspector Popular

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Anunt concurs inspector.jpg

Image Publicatie privind reg sectiilor de votare alegeri europarlamentare 2019 Popular

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Publicatie privind reg sectiilor de votare alegeri europarlamentare 2019.jpg

Image Rezultat final concurs Popular

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rezultat final concurs.jpeg

pdf Rezultat concurs interviu Popular

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rezultat concurs interviu .pdf

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