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Folder Hotarari CL 2020


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document HCL nr 30 protocol POC (160 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 1 MB)
document HCL nr 29 unitatea locala de sprijin (209 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 1.93 MB)
document HCL nr 28 ROF CONSILIUL LOCAL (REVIZUIT) (152 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 1.92 MB)
document HCL nr 27 consum carburanti (157 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 1.92 MB)
document HCL nr 26 burse scolare (149 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 1 MB)
document HCL nr 25 impozite si taxe 2021 (176 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 1 MB)
document HCL nr 24 rectificarea a II a a bugetului local (159 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 270 KB)
document HCL nr 23 indicatorilor tehnico – economici (148 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 1.92 MB)
document HCL nr 22 concesionare teren (172 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 1.96 MB)
document HCL nr 21 scutiri majorari 2020 (166 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 1.96 MB)
document HCL nr 20 cont de executie trim I 2020 (154 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 1 MB)
document HCL nr 19 rectif I a bugetului local 2020 (148 downloads) Popular Download (doc, 268 KB)
pdf HCL nr 18 alocare sume COVID 19 (174 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 109 KB)
pdf HCL nr 17 presedinte de sedinta (207 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 107 KB)
pdf HCL nr 16 inchirieri pasune 2020 (160 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 142 KB)
pdf HCL nr 15 amenajament pastoral (480 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 120 KB)
pdf HCL nr 14 acord financiar (175 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 151 KB)
pdf HCL nr 13 taxa speciala salubrizare 2020 (190 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 214 KB)
pdf HCL nr 12 manifestari cultural artistice 2020 (199 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 166 KB)
pdf HCL nr 11 alocare sume alte culte (157 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 114 KB)
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