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Folder Hotarari CL 2022


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pdf Hotararea nr 35 2022 nomenclator stradal (153 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 5.37 MB)
pdf HCL nr 8 alegere presedinte de sedinta (133 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 106 KB)
pdf HCL nr 6 transmitere teren biserici (142 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 115 KB)
pdf HCL nr 7 insolvabili (120 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 132 KB)
pdf HCL nr 4 retea scolara (134 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 113 KB)
pdf HCL nr 5 abrogare HCL 66 2021 (107 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 166 KB)
pdf HCL nr 3 casari (112 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 142 KB)
pdf HCL nr 2 modificare burse (113 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 111 KB)
pdf HCL nr 1 excedent bugetar (104 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 147 KB)
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